My time on lamenting about it is finally over!

Although I chose the former person’s option to obtain this Tamashii Web Shop Limited figure, I’d like to thank both OZKai and Z for giving me options on obtaining this figure that I truly wanted.   Thank you both for that.

The couple of you reading this should most definitely expect an eventual review of this figure.  Not now, though; I still have yet to open up the figure out of the box and just started this entry not long after taking photos of the packaging.

But unlike my TWSL RD Turn A Gundam (Moonlight Butterfly ver.), I will with this.  And from the promos alone, I’ll very much likely enjoy it.  If I can enjoy a GFF Wing Gundam (Early Type) figure, I can enjoy a RD version with superior articulation.

Again, thank you OZKai for the suggestion, and thank you Z for the additional option, and especially for getting me going on my Gunpla hobby in recent years.  I’m glad you’re doing better.