Tag Archive: Gundam Wing

Relics of an Old Gunpla Hobby…

One of the upsides of moving around and boxing/unboxing things is rediscovering items from your own past. I’ve recently discovered plenty of items from my previous attempt into Gunpla from eleven years ago:

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I–I… I’ve *got* it!

My time on lamenting about it is finally over!

Although I chose the former person’s option to obtain this Tamashii Web Shop Limited figure, I’d like to thank both OZKai and Z for giving me options on obtaining this figure that I truly wanted.   Thank you both for that.

The couple of you reading this should most definitely expect an eventual review of this figure.  Not now, though; I still have yet to open up the figure out of the box and just started this entry not long after taking photos of the packaging.

But unlike my TWSL RD Turn A Gundam (Moonlight Butterfly ver.), I will with this.  And from the promos alone, I’ll very much likely enjoy it.  If I can enjoy a GFF Wing Gundam (Early Type) figure, I can enjoy a RD version with superior articulation.

Again, thank you OZKai for the suggestion, and thank you Z for the additional option, and especially for getting me going on my Gunpla hobby in recent years.  I’m glad you’re doing better.

Siroh’s Gunpla Backlog! (Nov. 7)

So… Which model do I work on next?  I don’t know just yet (more on that in a bit), but I thought I’d show the couple of you reading this my backlog after finishing the 1/144 SUMO dual review.  Here it is:


First and foremost, the two 1/144 SUMO boxes are unbuilt SUMO backup models I bought when I feared I screwed up big time on spray-painting parts of the very 1/144 SUMO you see on the bottom-left here. So many GW 1/144s and TAG models… All obtained for various reasons, but nevertheless, I hope to even it out from other series in the future.  And that hardly-readable see-through ruler was there for the sake of being there, like my GFF Wing and 1/144 SUMO.


Anyway… I’m curious as to what any of you think on what I should review next.  Not that my final decision would be based on voting by numbers or something… But I’m open to be a little influenced by such two cents from you guys.  I especially am interested in Z’s two cents here.

But keep in mind: The 1/144 SUMOs are backups and I’ve already reviewed ’em, and I want to build the MG Deathscythe when Z starts his.  This just narrows things down to eleven suggestions, though, so there’s plenty to choose from.

I’m sure most of you have read the Gunpla news by now, let alone a couple of other people’s own commentary to each particular one by now, or at least one by a certain person who just came back to Gunpla blogging, to everyone’s delight (especially mine).  Well, I haven’t done that yet (for the most part), since I want to type my own up first.  How’s mine different beyond opinion and taste?  Probably babbling on, and I guess that’s the only difference.  But if you’re interested, let’s take a dive into recent news that interests me.


Once again, all the news and related images I get are from Gundam Guy’s blog.  I’ll link to each individual source after my two cents.  Rather than starting with my personal best for first since it’s not technically Gunpla-related, I’ll start with something pretty close:

When I initially saw the first scan of MG Sandrock both in color and with the latest addition of having heated blades as additional accessories, I couldn’t help but grin quite big.  It’s further convincing me that my future MGs-to-get should start among from this new Endless Waltz: GotD series of MGs.
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MSiA (US) Leo review

This should’ve been already out around early-July… But better late than never.

You can read the review by clicking here.

I’ll get to my upcoming Gunpla review (that I hinted at in my last post, and Z came close on guessing right on by correctly identifying the character) fairly soon; I still have a little more building and detailing to do before I even set up for photo-taking again, let alone making the text for it.  But I have a new game (and another hopefully on the way and in good condition) to try… And I figure a couple of non-review posts on recent Gunpla news would be more worthwhile, since there’s been an explosion of good news (in my view) worth covering.

But for now, enjoy the Leo review.